Not sure what you need? The zoo advisors will tell you how to make the animals happy, and the customers themselves will tell you what they’re looking for, be it snacks, more animals, or anything else. For your customers, you can lay down paths to lead them around, then add food stands, amusement rides, even maps and trash cans. It’s completely free-form: Start with fences for your exhibits, then pick animals and give them toys, foliage, and anything else you want. It may be put back together now but I haven't checked since early this year.An insidiously addictive simulation game, Zoo Tycoon allows players to create their own zoo, but not just any zoo. When OgresNet closed Zoo Admin, which was always a good source of CC, someone else took it over and was putting everything on a new site and it was taking them a long time to get everything back together. I tend to play ZT2 rather sporadically, and over the past several years of my off and on playing have never managed to hit a site that has much CC for ZT2 while the CC was actually intact and uploaded. I have one zoo that has been saved at the point of taking a picture of the secretary bird eating a live lizard for the past two years now. I hate trying to snap pictures of stuff to complete things. I love free-play, but I want to worry about how much money I'm spending. You're either playing a scenario, playing a challenge zoo, or just flat out playing free-play with unlimited money. I don't, however, really care for how they designed the game play. One thing I definitely love about ZT2 is the ability to be the zookeeper. The animations for the animals are so absolutely awesome, that I was completely blown away at how poorly the guests were created. There are many, many things about it I do love, but one thing that drives me completely insane are the weird animations of the guests walking.

In ways ZT2 will never top original ZT but in other ways it is far superior. I did, however, buy it much later then started picking up expansion packs over time after the prices came down. I didn't get into ZT2 early on, still suffering from burn-out and was too busy with Sims 2. (Just about anyone playing the original ZT will remember the Zoo Tycoon Download Directory-that was originally my site, but later I ended up giving it to the person who had the idea to begin with.) I was so involved with everything ZT it was cutting way too much into my personal life and I was at serious burn-out stage. Oh yes, oh yes, we had a lot going on with the original ZT back in the day. A large group of us designed scenarios, and one person put them into a user-made expansion pack. As for modding, oh yeah, we had a nice sized modding community with many, many custom animals, buildings, etc. I started playing ZT shortly after it came out and that was the path that eventually led me to The Sims.